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Books for Kids provides new books for newborns coming home from hospital, daycares, pre-schools, new mothers in Indigenous communities, books in other languages for families, mothers in prison (to record her voice reading a children's book to her child then the book is given to her child with the recording), and children under the care of the Ministry of Children and Family Development.

Operation Dress Up

Launched in 2001, volunteers connect year-round with elementary and secondary school neighbourhood liaisons to distribute new clothing to low-income students. In collaboration, volunteers also distribute clothing store gift cards to teens in need for their personal use. While gifts of used clothing are no longer collected, donations are always welcome!

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Generally NCJWC - Vancouver focuses on local programs. Our one exception is supporting Aluma for decades. Started in 1954, it was a pioneer institution, the first such centre in Israel devoted to the field of therapeutic treatment for couples and families. It is a non-profit organization and the only centre in its field, in the central region of Israel, that makes it possible for anyone to receive therapy - regardless of their place of residence, origin, religion, or economic circumstances. 
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada has helped keep this vital service alive. 

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