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 Our Distinguished History


1924: Founded Vancouver Section, established Sunday am religious school, night school for English study for immigrant Jews.

1927: Established Well-Baby clinic till 1938, when Metropolitan Health Centre became responsible; founded Council Camp. 

1932: Published first Council Cookbook.

1933: Established noodle factory to create employment for newcomers on relief in the depression.

1937: Opened first permanent Jewish camp in Western Canada. 

1942: Provided library and recreation area for soldiers in Terrace, BC.

1949: Sponsored English night school classes, sent overseas aid to Israel through “Ship-a-Box”.
          Donated $12,500 to JCC building fund for Golden Age lounge.

1950: Opened the first Golden Age Club at the JCC, led by Bessie Diamond and Thelma Ginsburg 

1953: Operated thrift shops until 1979 as fundraisers and assisting disadvantaged

1956: Helped resettle Hungarian refugees

1965: Initiated first Head Start preschool in Vancouver in Riley Park

1970: Established Jewish Historical Society of BC with CJC, Pacific Region; UBC Bessie Diamond
Memorial Scholarship for mature women students

1971: Initiated Schools for Citizen Participation;  established Welcome Wagon/Info Centre at JCC

1972: Piloted preschool hearing screening program, leading to the gift of two mobile screening vans to Vancouver Health Dept.

1973: Coordinated first Tay Sachs clinic on European Jewish genetic diseases

1974: Published fifth edition of the Council Cookbook, A Treasury of Jewish Recipes

1975: Launched support for Israel Family Counselling Agency (now ALUMA) with Council sections across Canada

1980: Inaugurated:  established scholarships for Graduate Women’s Studies at SFU and  Vancouver Academy of Music

1982: Co-sponsored and provided seed money for creation of L’Chaim, Adult Day Care Centre

1985: Published first edition of “Shalom! Welcome to Vancouver Directory”

1987: Hosted International Council of Jewish Women and NCJW Canada convention

1988: Published second edition of “Shalom!”, funded by Jewish Federation of Vancouver

1990: Published seventh edition of Council Cookbook, Bubbe’s Kitchen

1990: Established Shalom BC Welcome and Referral volunteer service;  outreach program for seniors;  STAR volunteer register for the community;  

1991: Piloted the HIPPY program (originating in Israel) with Simon Fraser University and Britannia
Community Centre to enhance the lives of immigrant children and their families

1994: Piloted Kosher Meals on Wheels

2001: Established Books for Kids to donate new and gently used books through Vancouver Public Health nurses network

2001: Established Operation Dress Up  to provide clothing  for disadvantaged children and gift certificates to enable adolescents  to choose their own clothing

• Expanded Books for Kids and Partners with Elizabeth Fry Society and Safe Babies program (for all infants in foster care), Vancouver Public Library, Public Health nurses for children in at-risk families, Vancouver Children’s Hospital for paediatric  assessment, Healthiest Babies; Provide books in the first language of pre-post natal mother at risk


Also Supported: 
• Jewish Family Services Food Security including Kosher Meals on Wheels
• Wellness for Inner City Children - basic hygiene, dental health, anger management, anti-bullying, healthy eating, making good choices
• Visions for At Risk Youth - after school athletic enrichment activities, help with homework, field trips
• Mothers Matter (Indigenous HIPPY) - distribution of books, nutrition boxes
• Nanook Daycare - funded critical kitchen equipment for Mount Pleasant Early Childhood and Family Centre
• Strong Start Vancouver School Board Program - equipment purchase
• YWCA Crabtree Corner - Bags, Books and Babies program
• Aluma - continued support for Israeli family counselling agency
• Jewish Book Fair at the Jewish Community Centre

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